Fashion Trends For Autumn 2021


This year marks the 20th anniversary of the Australian fashion scene and it’s truly been a landmark for fans, fashionistas and fashion followers alike. There have been some major changes to our fashions, but this article will highlight some of the more prominent trends that have really brought the nation a bit of attention. So let’s begin by looking at one of the most notable fashion trends in recent years.

When we say ‘fashions’ we mean what we see on us, on our bodies and in our shops. There are many different types of trends and what you may see on the catwalk may seem quite mundane to you, but if you put yourself in the shoes of the fashionista then it becomes quite clear what is happening in our fashion and what is hot and what is not. For a lot of us, fall has always been a time when the focus turns to what clothes we can wear to complement our warmer weather apparel. Fall apparel is usually reserved for the cooler months and we can still look good in the long-sleeved cardigans and boots. But this autumn, there has been a real revival of the favourite street and urban styles and this article will explore what these styles have in store for us in the autumn.

Our fashion-hating colleagues have been discussing what colours look best with what type of clothing for fall, so let’s discuss some colour trends that are already in store for us this autumn. If we’re talking about the basics then we’ve got a great pair of tweed coat, checkered scarf and a pair of woolen socks to start with. But if you want something a little more adventurous, why not go for a pair of leather boots, thick woolen jackets or a brightly coloured v-neck jumper? If you want to add a splash of colour to your overall outfit, then why not wear a vibrant coloured jumper? You could also opt for a colourful, tie-dyed shirt and a colourful pair of jeans.
